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Inhabitants/House History WIP

This page is a work in progress and I plan to go back through all census returns, electoral rolls, newspaper clippings etc to identity the occupants of the historic buildings of Great Packington. Maiden names/biographical detail/familial relationships will also be identified. The plan is then to put together house/building histories about the residents over time, a la Professor David Olusoga. Here's my start! 


Map images credit: National Library of Scotland.





Archery Ground:

  • 1910-1914 - Samuel Pipe Thompson (carpenter) and Louise Thompson nee unknown (wife), and 6 children Frederick Thompson (railway clerk), Pipe Thompson, Hilda Thompson, Richard Thompson, Dora Thompson and Ruth Thompson

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Butlers End:

  • 1861 - John Butler (agricultural labourer) and Mary Butler nee Eborall (wife), Daniel Butler (agricultural labourer) and Susannah Butler nee unknown (wife) and 2 children William Butler (agricultural labourer) and George Burler (scholar)

  • 1914 - Charles Nicholds

  • 1929 - James Edward Bassett his wife and children, including Thomas Bassett

  • 1956 - Albert Davis (farmer) and Frances Louise Davis (daughter)



Church Farm:

  • 1875- Mr Meek (farmer)

  • 1910 - Luke Pearman (farmer)

  • 1939 - Stanley Hulme (farmer) and Nellie Hulme nee unknown (wife), children Harry Stanley Hulme, Phyllis Hulme and Edward C Hulme (motor industry clerk)

  • 1956 - Albert Stanley and Nell Stanley nee unknown (wife)



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Dairy Farm:​​

  • 1861 - Henry Sharp (farm bailiff) and Eliza Sharp nee unknown (wife), their 4 children Walter Sharp (scholar), Mary Sharp (scholar), Arthur Sharp, Henry Sharp, Jane Bambrook (dairy maid), Georgina Gibbs (dairy maid), Elizabeth Jackson (housemaid)

  • 1871 - Henry Sharp (farm bailiff) and Eliza Sharp nee unknown (wife), their children Henry Sharp (scholar), Lizzie Sharp (scholar), Kate Sharp, Annie Sharp, George Sharp and William Sharp, Lucy Dale (servant)

  • 1879 - Mr J Ball (farmer)

  • 1881- William Adcock (farmer, elected Overseer of the Poor), James Adcock (farmer, brother), Mary Careless (housekeeper), William Gilkes (farm servant), George Poole (farm servant), Mary A Goodwin (general servant), Peter Fleming (farm servant)

  • 1882-1887 - William Adcock (farmer, elected Overseer of the Poor)

  • 1911 - William King (dairy farmer), A Box (ploughman)

  • 1914 - William Adcock

  • 1916 - Albert Keatley (farmer)

  • 1919 - Stephen Harrison (farmer)

  • 1922 - Mr W King (dairy farmer)

  • 1924-1934 - Mr J H Davey (dairy farmer and thatcher)

  • 1939 - Thomas Henry Sandford (farmer), Mabel Ivy Bernice Sandford nee unknown {wife} and Marjorie Mary Sandford (assisting father)

  • 1956 - Miss Sandford

  • 1964 - Mr R S Beaty (farmer)



Forest Farm: 

  • 1861 - Joseph Dodwell (farmer) and Mary Dodwell nee unknown (wife), Maria Payne (domestic servant)



Gate House: 

  • 1861 - Thomas Record (lodge porter) and Mary A Record nee unknown (wife), 5 children Edward Record (scholar), Hannah Record (scholar), Eliza Record (scholar), Harriet Record (scholar), Jane Record (scholar)



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Geary's Heath:​

  • 1881 - Arthur Mills (gamekeeper) and Louisa Mills nee unknown (wife), Ellen Mills (daughter)

  • 1901 - John Nicholds (waggoner) and Emma Nicholds nee unknown (wife), 3 children Emma Nicholds (domestic servant), Charles Nicholds and Edith Nicholds, Thomas Brown (game keeper and lodger)

  • 1911 - John Nicholds (general labourer) and Emma Nicholds nee unknown (wife), 2 youngest children Charles Nicholds and Edith Nicholds, Jack Banks (game keeper and lodger)

  • 1914 - Herbert Goodall

  • 1922 - Charles Wood.

  • 1939 - Agnes Print nee unknown.




The Glebe:

  • 1939 - Richard Avery Stanley (gamekeeper) and Katherine Iris Stanley nee unknown (wife), Margaret Banks Gale (shorthand typist), Edmund John Finch (retired)


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Hermitage Farm:​

  • 1866- William Nicholls (farmer, until 1878), Mary Barker (niece), James Burbage (farm servant)

  • 1880-1886 - William Barker (farmer)

  • 1881-1884 - John Barker (farmer)

  • 1907 - William Izon (farmer), Mary Wollaston Izon nee unknown (wife) and children

  • 1910 - William Evers (farmer) and Mary Helen Evers nee unknown (wife)

  • 1914 - Roger Lewis

  • 1916 - Ephraim Smith (farmer), wife and 6 children names unknown

  • 1916 - Joseph Stretton (farmer)

  • 1921 - George Henry Bull (farmer, doctor's son) and wife

  • 1930 to 1935 - William Jones Hughes (farmer)

  • 1939 - Francis William Brown (cowman)

  • 1942 - J. M. Levi (farmer)

  • 1948-1961 - Robert James Miller (milkman)

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High Ash Farm 

  • 1861 - Ann Beaufoy nee unknown (farmer, widow), 5 children Elizabeth Beaufoy, Arthur Beaufoy (scholar), Emma Beaufoy (scholar), Fanny Beaufoy, Helen Beaufoy, John Ashborough (farm bailiff), Elizabeth Smith (servant), William Higgins (carter), Abraham Anderton (agricultural labourer)

  • 1866 - Mr J Shuttleworth (farmer)

  • 1871 - Charles Gilbert (farmer) and Elizabeth Gilbert nee unknown (wife), their 4 children Jane Gilbert, Charles Gilbert, Annie Gilbert and Harriett Gilbert, Samuel Starkey (farm servant), William Dale (farm servant)

  • 1876 - Charles Gilbert (farmer) and family

  • 1881 - Charles Gilbert (farmer) and Anne Gilbert nee unknown (wife), William Beech (farm servant), Harry Powell (farm servant)

  • 1882-1896  - Charles Gilbert (farmer, elected Overseer of the Poor)

  • 1910-1911 - George Nicholds (farmer) and Jane Elizabeth Nicholds nee unknown (wife), two daughters Denise Nicholds and Dorothy Nichols, Frederick Keatley (cowman)

  • 1922 - Doris Evelyn Gertrude Neil and parents

  • 1923 - George Neil (farmer)










Keatley's Pool:

  • 1914 - Albert Keatley

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Mill Farm: â€‹

  • 1850 - Joseph Shuttleworth and John Shuttleworth (farmers)

  • 1861 - George Smith (farmer), Sarah Smith (sister), Charles Taylor (carter), Mark Coats (cow boy), Thomas Eagles (plough boy), Elizabeth Lenton (dairy maid)

  • 1901 -Arthur Redfern (farmer, widower) and 3 children Sarah Redfern (housekeeper), Ada I. Redfern and Arthur Redfern (farm servant)

  • 1911 - Arthur Redfern (farmer, widower, son of Arthur Redfern from 1901 census) and Amelia Redfern nee unknown (wife, 4 years), Lucy Ibbotson (servant) 

  • 1901-1915 - Arthur Redfern (farmer)


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Old Hall Farm: â€‹

  • 1861 - William Bint (park keeper and widow), 2 adult daughters Elizabeth Bint and Frances Bint, Charles Bint (pupil and nephew), Mary Hall (niece), William Blackwell (domestic servant), Sarah Hastings (domestic servant) 

  • 1891-1914 - Lawrence Joseph Arnold (farmer) and family

  • 1913 - Thomas Arnold (farmer), Sidney C Arnold (brother) and Daisy Arnold (sister)

  • 1914 - Frank Maidment 

  • 1919 - George Kemp (sawyer) and Amy Kemp nee Addington (wife)

  • 1924 - George Henry Thompson (farmer) and family, Mr G Dale (plougman)

  • 1939 - George Henry Thompson (farmer) and Daisy Elizabeth Thompson nee unknown (wife), Angus Cathcart MacDonald (engineer, Standard Triumph Motors Coventry), John Gibbons (farm labourer), James Kennedy (farm labourer)

  • 1967 - Richard John Tyacke



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Outwoods Farm:​

  • 1859 and 1860 - William Riley (farmer) and family

  • 1861 - William Riley (farmer) and Eliza Riley nee unknown (wife), 7 children Luke Riley, Christina Riley (scholar), William Riley (scholar), John A Riley (scholar), Joseph Riley (scholar), Harry Riley (scholar), Edward Riley (scholar), Elizabeth Heath (governess and niece), Emma Hastings (cook and dairy maid), Emma Hazell (housemaid), John Garner (carter), George Baker (shepherd), James Baker (general labourer)

  • 1863-1866 - William Riley (farmer) and family

  • 1867 - Eliza Riley nee unknown (widow) and family

  • 1871 - Eliza Riley nee unknown (widow) and 3 sons Luke Riley (farmer), James Riley (farmer's apprentice) and Harry Riley (unemployed), Jane Moore (cook), Hester Dickinson (housemaid), Thomas Haynes (farm servant), Walter Smith (farm servant)

  • 1873-1878 - Luke Riley (William and Eliza Riley nee unknown's eldest son)

  • 1881 - unoccupied

  • 1884 - Mr W H Bates

  • 1893 - John Arnold (farmer)

  • 1911 - John Bennet (bricklayer) and wife, Fred Mills (adopted son), Phillip West (farm servant, soldier KIA WW1)

  • 1911-1923 - Thomas Wilkinson Booth (farm labourer, later elected to district council and guardian of the poor)

  • 1911 - 1915 - Molly Booth, later Barker

  • 1915 - John Bennet (bricklayer)

  • 1915 - Miss Nicholls

  • 1919 - Charles Shuttleworth (labourer and carter)

  • 1919 - Mr Nicholls (farmer)

  • 1921 - Thomas Skidmore (smallholder, widower), Joseph Skidmore (bricklayers labourer, son, widower), Joseph's two children John Henry Skidmore and Joseph Richard Skidmore (young grandsons), Catherine Mary Shaylor nee unknown (housekeeper, widow)

  • 1933 - Joseph Richard Skidmore (farmer)

  • 1935 - Mr J Proctor (farmer)

  • 1941 - Mrs E J Peers nee unknown

  • 1953 - Cyril Thomas Brown

  • 1956 - Mrs Callwood nee unknown

  • 1966 and 1967 - Sidney Callwood and Terry Callwood nee unknown (wife)



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Packington Hall:

  • 1781-1811 - Richard Jones (gardener)

  • 1861 - Heneage Finch (6th Earl of Aylesford), Jane Finch nee Wightwick-Knightley (Countess of Aylesford), 4 children Heneage Finch (Lord Guernsey, scholar), Charles Wightwick Finch (scholar), Anna F Wightwick Finch (scholar), Daniel H Finch, Ellen Osmond (Governess), Robert S Edwards (Tutor and Clergyman without care of souls), Thomas Sims (butler), Mary White (housekeeper), Hannah Parry (nurse), Jane North (cook), Frederick Briggs (valet), William Hogget (under butler), Matthew Basil (footman), William Edison (footman), Henry Bateswell (footboy), Joseph Wilkes (usher), Charles Porter (baker), Henry Edwards (coachman), William Parsons (2nd coachman), Edward Trowbridge (postillion), Frederick Upswell (groom), William Neale (helper), William Thorn (helper), Peter Addison (helper), William Harvey (odd man), John Record (porter), Mary Huggett (nursemaid), Sarah Kettle (lodger), Elizabeth Gale (laundrymaid), Charlotte Fletcher (laundrymaid), Eliza Proctor (laundrymaid), Sophia Sheffield (laundrymaid), Sarah Wall (housemaid), Ann Marshall (housemaid), Jane Smith (housemaid), Martha Clarke (housemaid), Isabella Porter (housemaid), Elizabeth Grayson (kitchen maid), Harriett Short (scullery maid), Hannah Mitchell (still room maid), Mary Harris (still room maid)

  • 1881 - Heneage Finch (7th Earl of Aylesford), James James (house steward), James Saunders (waiter), Charles Ensor (stewards room boy), Gough Collett (footman), William Bennett (valet), Harry Aston (footman), Emily Avery (housemaid), Esther Williams (housemaid), Jane Bennett (housemaid), Ellen Roy (housekeeper), Charles Cook (porter), Thomas Terheege (odd man), Henry Ward (stable keeper), Edward Walter (stable keeper), Joseph Todd (stable keeper)

  • 1901 - Charles W. Aylesford aka Finch (peer, 8th Earl of Aylesford) and Ella [Marcella] Araminta Victoria Aylesford aka Finch nee Ross formerly Linton (peeress, Countess of Aylesford), Violet E. Finch (daughter), Charles D, Finch (son). Theodore J, Brinckmann (colonel, step son-in-law) and Theodore's wife Mary F. Brinckmann nee unknown, Anna E, Stewart (cook), Edith M. Goddard. (ladies maid), Emily E. Watson (ladies maid), Arthur I. Sawyer (valet), John Wright (footman), Rosina Carter (house maid), Annie Pettitt (house maid), Barbara Robertson (house maid), Florence E. Mitchell (house maid), Mary E. Haynes (scullery maid), Henry Sherman (hall boy), Albert E. Penney (valet), Henry White (coachman), William Vowles (gardener) 

  • 1911 - Alice Louise Meade (kitchen maid), Ann Adams (caretaker), Charles Ridler (gardener) and Daisy Ridler (his wife), George Allan (gardener), George Moss (gardener), Fred Morley (Gardener), Stanley Wilson (gardener), Emma Benton (lodge keeper)

  • 1917 - Kate Cooke nee Coton (kitchenmaid)



Packington Hall Stables: 

  • Alfred Woodcock (coachman), Alice Woodcock nee unknown (wife), Connie Woodcock (2 year old daughter)



Park Gate:

  • 1861 - Joseph Butler (agricultural labourer), Fanny Allen (servant)

  • 1911 - James Bricknell (stud farm worker), Emily Rosa Bricknell nee unknown (wife), 3 children Ivy Bricknell, Minnie Bricknell, Seth Bricknell

  • 1914 - James Bricknell, Pernell Lampton (lodger)

  • 1939 - Charles Wall (roadman) and Mabel Wall nee unknown (wife), Reginald William Goode (gamekeeper)

  • 1952 - Percy White (smallholder)


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Parsonage Farm:​

  • 1905 - Mr W Willday (farmer)

  • 1937-1955 - Ernest William Dalton (dairy farmer) and Irene Dalton nee unknown (wife), children Florence Margaret Dalton, George Richard Dalton and Dora Alice Dalton, Dora Gertrude Allan (domestic servant)

  • 1939 - Patrick Frank Liddy (farm labourer)


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Squirrel's Nest Cottage: 

  • 1861 - William Terheege (agricultural labourer) and Eliza Terheege nee unknown (wife), children Ann Terheege, William Terheege (scholar), Jane Terheege (scholar), Harriet Terheege (scholar), Harry Terheege, Thomas Terheege

  • 1881 - Eliza Terheege nee unknown (widow), 2 children Jane Terheege (domestic servant), Harry Terheege (farm labourer), 3 grandchildren Mary Terheege, George Terheege (scholar), Bertrand Terheege










Up and Down Post Inn, later Rose Cottage:​

  • 1812 to 1822 - Joseph Wall (licensed victualler)

  • 1822 to 1827 - John and Jane Smart (licensed victuallers)

  • 1828 - Jane Smart (license victualler, widow)

  • 1850 to 1851 - William (licensed victualler) and Anne Smart nee unknown (wife), 3 children Ann Smart, Elizabeth Smart and William Smart

  • 1881 - Sarah James nee unknown (wife to James James, Packington Hall's house steward), 2 children Edith James (scholar), James James

  • 1901 - Samuel Pipe Thompson (carpenter's joiner) and Louisa Thompson nee unknown (wife), 5 children Frederick W. Thompson (railway clerk), Mary L, Thompson, Samuel P. Thompson, Edith H, Thompson, Richard I. Thompson

  • 1911 - Sarah James (widow of private means) and her daughter Edith Mary James. 

  • 1913 - John 'Jack' Price (postman)

  • 1904 - James James (died during 1904)

  • 1939 - James Bernard O'Sullivan (farm carter) and Catherine E. E. O'Sullivan nee unknown (wife)


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Warren Farm:​

  • 1850 - Thomas Oldham (farmer)

  • 1851 - James Shuttleworth (farmer) and Catherine Shuttleworth nee Mayou (wife), 2 children James Shuttleworth and Catherine Shuttleworth, Allen Ensor (agricultural labourer)

  • 1861 - Shuttleworth family (above), James Cooke (carter), Ellen Harris (servant)

  • 1871 - Thomas Smith (farmer) and Susannah Smith nee unknown (wife), Catherine Bolton Smith (daughter), Arthur Shaw (farm 

  • 1881 - Thomas Smith (farmer and widower), Catherine Bolton Smith (daughter), Henry Kirby (farm servant), William Hemmings (farm servant - indoors), William Ladbrook (farm servant)

  • 1935-1957 - Johnathon Josiah Jones (farmer)

  • 1937 - Evelyn Carrie Jones and parents. 

  • 1945 - Mr P White (farmer)


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Whitestitch Farm: 

  • 1861 - Mary Keatley nee unknown (char woman, widow), 3 children William Keatley (labourer), Mark Keatley and Edward Keatley.

  • 1871 - John Shuttleworth (farmer, widower), Benjamin Shuttleworth (farmer, son) and Jane Shuttleworth nee unknown (Benjamin's wife), Benjamin and Jane's 2 children Oliver Shuttleworth and Clara Shuttleworth (scholar).

  • 1914 - William Nicholds

  • 1916 - Elizabeth Wall nee Phillips (wid0w)

  • 1918 - John Barton (farmer) and Elizabeth Barton nee unknown (wife), son Herbert John Barton (soldier)

  • 1940 - John Barton (farmer)

  • 1941-1955 - Phillip Raymond Vallance (food firm director) and Joan Vallance nee Williams (wife), son Paul Christopher Vallance

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Yew Tree Cottages:

  • 1939 - Fred Box (general labourer), Phyllis Rose (domestic servant)



Yew Tree Farm: 

  • 1901 - Walter Smith (woodsman) and Selina Smith formerly Colley nee Lloyds (wife), John Smith (retired farmer, Walter's father)

  • 1901 to 1939 - John Smith (carter)

  • 1911 - Walter (labourer) and Selina Smith formerly Colley nee Lloyds (wife)

  • 1939 - Leslie John Smith

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  • Ancestry Collections: 1939 Register of England and Wales; Census Returns of England and Wales; UK, City and County Directories, 1766 - 1946.

  • FindMyPast Collection: British Newspapers, 1710-1965; England & Wales, Electoral Registers 1910-1932.

  • Loudon, John Claudius. (1831) The Gardener's Magazine and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvement, Volume 7. London: Longman, Rees, Brown and Green. pp. 639-640.

  • Moore, Susan K. (1986) I Remember Strawberries & Sewage: A Collection of Twenty Biographies, Reminiscences and Photographs of Everyday Life in the North Warwickshire Village of Fillongley. Fillongley: Fillongley Publications.

  • National Library of Scotland Collection: Map Images.

  • University of Leicester Special Collections: Historical Directories of England & Wales.

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